How to Restore Twitter Accounts Hack The taxable

If your twitter account has been hacked and you can not go in with your username and your password, please follow the two steps below:

  1. Request a password reset
    Reset your Twitter password by email request from the password reset form CLICK HERE. Try entering your username and email address, and be sure to check emails on any email account that you may use on your Twitter account.
  2. Call for help if you still need help
    If you still can not get into twitter, twitter by admin contact support request CLICK HERE. Please select "Account was hacked or on-phishing" as the title of your request. Be sure to use the email address linked to your Twitter account was hacked, then we'd send additional information and instructions to the email address. Include the user name and the date you last have access to your account.
  3. If you lose access to the email account linked to your Twitter account, see the help pages OPEN HERE.


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